December 20, 2010

Welcome to our new website

After more than 3 months of work our new website is finally here as a beta version. To be able to give you the best experience an make it easy to interact with us we have launched not just a website, but also this blog, a Flickr group, and our Facebook page will become an even more important part of the dialog with our friends and guests than before.

Click the image to see a larger version

Be inspired from our TravelGuide, se our latest offers and packages, and more on our website. Interact with us on our discussion space at Facebook, share your pictures with us on our new Flickr group or follow our blog for the latest news and travel updates from guests that explore Tanzania with us.

If your not a fan of our Facebook page, please feel free to join our community by using the "like" button on our Facebook Fan Page.

Today we proudly launch our new page, and we want to express our gratitude to the people making this possible:
  • To Jarle Naustvik, for his creativity, dedication and endless efforts, whitout him this would not been available for our users.
  • To Thomas A. Krokfoss for beeing the thecnical wisard providing all the solutions needed to do all our interactions.
And also a huge thanks to all the photograhers who willingly has let us use their wonderfull pictures of the wonders of Tanzania!
We hope that you will enjoy our new web space.
Please feel free to give us a comment if you have any feedback

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